Past Conferences
- Past Conferences
Past Conferences
Dates | Venue | |
18th | 15 (Thu), 16 (Fri) November, 2018 | City Hall Plaza “AORE Nagaoka” / Nagaoka Grand Hotel |
17th | 16 (Thu), 17 (Fri) November, 2017 | Higashiyoka Cultural Hall, Saga City |
16th | 17 (Thu), 18 (Fri) November, 2016 | Uji Obaku Plaza at Uji Campus, Kyoto University |
15th | 19 (Thu), 20 (Fri) November, 2015 | Lumiere Fuchu |
14th | 15 (Sat), 16 (Sun) November, 2014 | Multimedia Education and Research Complex on Kawauchi-Kita Campus, Tohoku University |
13th | 20 (Wed), 21 (Thu) November, 2013 | Tsukuba International Congress Center/Tsukuba Center for Institute (MEXT) |
12th | 12 (Mon), 13 (Tue) November, 1012 | WINK AICHI |
11th | 16 (Wed), 17 (Thu) November, 2011 | Yayoi Auditorium·Ichijo-Hall/Annex, The University of Tokyo |
10th | 18 (Thu), 19 (Fri) November, 2010 | Satake Memorial Hall at Higashi Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University |
9th | 18 (Wed), 19 (Thu) November, 2009 | Yayoi Auditorium·Ichijo-Hall/Annex, The University of Tokyo |
8th | 17 (Mon), 18 (Tue) November, 2008 | Educational Hall, Ishikawa Prefecture |
7th | 15 (Thu), 16 (Fri) November, 2007 | Yayoi Auditorium, The University of Tokyo |
6th | 13 (Mon), 14 (Tue) November, 2006 | U-Hall Shirasagi, Osaka Prefecture University |
5th | 7 (Mon) – 9 (Wed) November, 2005 | Yayoi Auditorium, The University of Tokyo |
4th | 4 (Thu), 5 (Fri) November, 2004 | Sendai Civic Hall |
3rd | 6 (Thu), 7 (Fri) November, 2003 | Yayoi Auditorium, The University of Tokyo |
2nd | 11 (Mon), 12 (Tue) November, 2002 | Symposion/Toyota Auditorium, Nagoya University |
1st | 8 (Thu), 9 (Fri) November, 2001 | Yayoi Auditorium, The University of Tokyo |
Poster Prizes for Students
The 11th Poster Prizes for Students (The 18th Conference in 2018)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
KUCHIRA, Momoka (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Networks of fungal hyphae organize bacterial community.” |
KITAHARA, Yukina (Nagaoka University of Technology) | “Subcellular localization of putative transceptor Crt1 in highly producing cellulase filamentous fungus, Trichoderma reesei.” |
FUKUDA, Sayumi (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Chemotropism and plasticity in filamentous fungi analysed by microfluidic devices.” |
ARAI, Hiraku (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Analysis of the localization and post-transcriptional modulation of FlbC in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
SHIGEYOSHI, Sae (Graduate School of Environmental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture) | “Identification of the mode of action of Tolnifanide by whole genome comparison.” |
The 10th Poster Prizes for Students (The 17th Conference in 2017)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
SAKAI, Kiyota (Graduate School of Agriculture, Meijo University) | “Novel arabinan-degrading enzyme discovered by secretome analysis of Aspergillus nidulans.” |
KADOOKA, Chihio (Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University) | “Functional analysis of two mitochondrial citrate carriers in Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii.” |
MATSUMOTO, Morihiro (Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) | “Volatiles from a plant growth promoting fungus Fusarium oxysporum RS-21 induce lateral root development.” |
MIYAZAWA, Ken (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Analysis of the mechanism of hyphal adhesion under liquid culture conditions in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
MORISHITA, Yohei (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo) | “Activation of fungal silent secondary metabolite biosynthetic pathway by plant hormone.” |
The 9th Poster Prizes for Students (The 16th Conference in 2016)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
SUGAHARA, Asumi (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Novel antifungal drug Z-705 specifically inhibits protein kinase C of filamentous fungi.” |
TOYOTA, Saki (Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University) | “Functional analysis of two β-D-galactofuranosidases in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
TSUMURA, Ryosuke (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University) | “The involvement of the sepM on the induction of the cellulase genes in Aspergillus aculeatus.” |
KAJIKAWA, Naoki (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefecture University) | “CoPpt1, a candidate interactor with cell cycle regulatory factor CoTem1, is involved in the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum orbiculare.” |
YOSHIDA, Hiroki (Graduate School of Environmental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture) | “Functional analysis of Opy2 in Bipolaris maydis.” |
The 8th Poster Prizes for Students (The 15th Conference in 2015)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
NAGAYAMA, Megumi (Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University) | “Analysis of adsorption mechanism of Aspergillus oryzae hydrophobin RolA to negatively charged surfaces.” |
FUKADA, Fumi (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University) | “Analyses of cell cycle using chromosome tagging system and localization of GTPase CoTem1 in Colletotrichum orbiculare.” |
MIYACHI, Yuta (Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University) | “Novel poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
IWABUCHI, Taiki (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the University of Tokyo) | “Structural and functional studies on Trt14, a unique isomerase involving in the biosynthesis of terretonin.” |
SHIGEMOTO, Ryosuke (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Sirtuins regulate fungal secondary metabolisms.” |
The 7th Poster Prizes for Students (The 14th Conference in 2014)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
SASAKURA, Naoya (Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University) | “Production of L- and D-lactate in Aspergillus cell factory.” |
KANEKO, Yuhei (Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University) | “Novel protein involved in β-mannan degradation from filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans.” |
YOSHIMURA, Midori (Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University) | “The Aspergillus oryzae transcription factor FlbC involved in the expression of the glaB gene specifically expressed in solid-state culture.” |
ABE, Hiroyuki (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Aspergillus nidulans thioredoxin-like protein functions under hypoxic conditions.” |
HARATA, Ken (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University) | “CoWHI2, the homolog of stress response regulator WHI2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is involved in induction of host defense response and regulation of hemibiotrophic infection in Colletotrichum orbiculare.” |
The 6th Poster Prizes for Students (The 13th Conference in 2013)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
SATO, Daiki (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Development of imaging nano-particles coated with immune-response free (stealth) fungal materials.” |
NAKAZAWA, Nami (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Analysis of soil humic acid degradation by the fungus Aspergillus nidulans.” |
TANIGUCHI, Hiroki (Department of Bioengineering, Nagaoka University of Technology) | “Influence of gene destruction of cellulose specific transporter in Trichoderma reesei.” |
KAWAUCHI, Moriyuki (The Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University) | “Activation of secondary metabolism in the hstD disruptant of Aspergillus oryzae.” |
KODAMA, Sayo (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University) | “Colletotrichum orbiculare CoPag1, a component of RAM network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is involved in appressorium development triggered by plant-derived signals.” |
The 5th Poster Prizes for Students (The 12th Conference in 2012)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
TERADO, Shiho (The Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University) | “The development of promoter shutoff system for function analysis of the essential genes in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
MOTOMATSU, Haruka (Graduate School of Engineering, Sojo University) | “Functional analysis of gene involved in galactofuranan biosynthesis in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
HIRAMOTO, Tetsuya (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Involvement of a carbon catabolite repression-related gene, creD, in endocytosis of MalP in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
ITO, Eriko (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Analysis of Aspergillus nidulans sirtuin A.” |
FUKADA, Fumi (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University) | “Spindle Position Checkpoint (SPOC) component in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is involved in proper cell cycle progression during appressorium development in Colletotrichum orbiculare.” |
The 4th Poster Prizes for Students (The 11th Conference in 2011)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
WADA, Ryuta (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) | “Analysis of hyphal fusion ability by using the strains overexpressing SclR, a promoting factor for sclerotia formation in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
ISHIKAWA, Shuhei (Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University) | “Inducer-dependent phosphorylation of the transcriptional activator XlnR and its physiological role in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
KUSAKA, Hideyuki (Department of Bioengineering, Nagaoka University of Technology) | “Functional analysis of genes encoding a putative cello-oligosaccharide transporter in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei.” |
MATSUDA, Yudai (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo) | “Functional analysis of the biosynthetic genes involved in the biosynthesis of a fungal meroterpenoid terretonin.” |
LIN, Shao Yu (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) | “Isolation and functional analysis of a secreted protein gene LAC2 required for fungal pathogenicity of Colletotrichum orbiculare.” |
The 3rd Poster Prizes for Students (The 10th Conference in 2010)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
ISHIGAMI, Yohei (Graduate School of Life Sciences, Toyo University) | “Rapid genetic mapping using hybridization probes in Neurospora crassa.” |
KOMACHI, Yuji (Graduate School of Engineering, Sojo University) | “Characterization of the genes involved in the biosynthesis of galactomannan in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
TANABE, Hiroki (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Horizontal mobility of Aspergillus oryzae hydrophobin RolA on PBSA surface.” |
KUNITAKE, Emi (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University) | “Screening for a regulator involved in the cellobiohydrolase I gene expression using T-DNA tagging in Aspergillus aculeatus.” |
KAMIMURA, Yosuke (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) | “Role of fungal transcriptional factor AmyR in regulating secondary metabolism.” |
The 2nd Poster Prizes for Students (The 9th Conference in 2009)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
TSUIZAKI, Makusu (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) | “The roles of microtubule for the localization of chitin synthases, CsmA, in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
ONOZAKI, Yasumichi (Graduate School of Aricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “The role of hyperglycosylation in protein quality control mechanism in Aspergillus oryzae.” |
YAMASHITA, Kazuhiro (Graduate School of Life Sciences, Toyo University) | “Involvement of stress-activated MAP kinase in circadian rhythm and amino acid metabolism in Neurospora crassa.” |
SAKAI, Kanae (International Center of Biotechnology, Osaka University) | “Functional analysis of MokH, Zn(II)2MCys6 type transcriptional factor, in monacolin K biosynthesis.” |
INAMI, Keigo (United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) | “The loss of function of the avirulence gene AVR1 in the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by transposon-insertion.” |
The 1st Poster Prizes for Students (The 8th Conference in 2008)
prize winner | Winning Presentation |
SATO, Hiroki (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Identification of cell wall factor(s) adsorbing Taka-amylase in submerged culture of Aspergillus oryzae.” |
FURUKAWA, Takanori (Department of Bioengineering, Nagaoka University of Technology) | “In vitro analysis of the Xyr1 recognition sequences.” |
HASEGAWA, Sachiko (Graduate School of Aricultural Science, Tohoku University) | “Correlation of MAL cluster and MAL homolog cluster in maltose utilization in A. oryzae.” |
ANDO, Eriko (Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University) | “Transcriptional regulation of the cytochrome c gene in Aspergillus nidulans.” |
IZUMITSU, Kosuke (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) | “Functional analysis of three MAPK genes in Cochliobolus heterostrophus.” |
Bio-industry Prizes
The 6th Bio-industry Prizes (The 18th Conference in 2018)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
HAKKAISAN BREWERY CO., LTD. | “Effect of AoaphA gene disruption and its overexpression in Aspergillus oryzae on Shoyu.” | Shoko Yoshino-Yasuda, Natsuko Ono, Osamu Hasegawa, Hironobu Mano (Food Reserch Center, Aichi-Institute) |
Fujiwara Techno-Art Co., Ltd. | “Fluorescence imaging analysis of fungal mycelial growth in steamed rice.” | Mizuki Yasui, Naoki Takaya, Jun-ichi Maruyama, Norio Takeshita (University of Tokyo) |
Sanwa Shurui Co., ltd. | “Characterization of putative RNA binding protein NrdA in the white koji fungus Aspergillus kawachii.” | Chihiro Kadooka, Kosuke Izumitsu, Teigo Asai, Kayu Okutsu, Yumiko Yoshizaki, Kazunori Takamine, Masatoshi Goto, Hisanori Tamaki, Taiki Futagami Kagoshima University, University of Shiga Prefecture, University of Tokyo, Saga University) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “Biosynthesis of (2S)-2-(trimethylaminio)-3-[2-(hydroseleno)-1H-imidazole-5-yl] propanoic acid anion on rice bran medium.” | Shuri Yuyama, Yuki Ishikawa, Toshiaki Oshima (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) |
Kikkoman Corp. | “Wide variety of ustiloxin-type ribosomal peptide precursor-like genes in kingdom fungi.” | Maiko Umemura, Linh viet Dao (Bioproduction Reserch Insttitute, AIST) |
Gekkeikan Sake Co., Ltd. | “Functional analysis of HET domain genes in heterokaryon incompatibility in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Noriko Mori, Takuya Katayama, Ryota Saito, Kazuhiro Iwashita, Jun-ichi Maruyama (Univ. of Tokyo, National Research Institute of Brewing) |
The 5th Bio-industry Prizes (The 17th Conference in 2017)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
Sanwa Shurui Co., ltd. | “Influence of α-1,3-glucan synthase gene agsE on protoplast formation for gene manipulation in Aspergillus luchuensis.” | Jikian Tokashiki, Kenji Toshida, Risa Hayashi, Nahoko Nishibori, Osamu Yamada, Taisuke Watanabe, Osamu Mizutani, Hirohide Toyama (University of Ryukyus, National Research Institute of Brewing., Nihon University) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “Comparative analysis for transcription start sites of enolase genes in Aspergillus oryzae and the related species.” | Taishi Inoue, Mizuki Tanaka, Takahiro Shintani, Katsuya Gomi (Tohoku University, University of Shizuoka) |
Fujiwara Techno-Art Co., Ltd. | “Biochemical characterization of tannase, AoTanB, from Aspergillus oryzae.” | Kyotaro Ichikawa, Katsuto Sasaki, Yoshihito Shiono, Takuya Koseki (Yamagata University) |
Kumiai Chemical Industry Co, Ltd. | “Analysis of the mode of action of Tolnifanide based on whole genome analysis.” | Sae Shigeyoshi, Toshikazu Irie, Kazumi Suzuki, Hisashi Miyagawa, Chihiro Tanaka, Kosuke Izumitsu (University of Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto University) |
Miyajima Shoyu Co., Ltd. | “Analysis on physiological functions of oryzapsins in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Tamaki Katagiri, Michio Takeuchi, Youhei Yamagata (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) |
marukome co., ltd. | “Functional analysis of Sirtuin and laeA homologous genes in Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii.” | Aoi Miyamoto, Chihiro Kadooka, Kenta Hamada, Kayu Okutsu, Yumiko Yoshizaki, Kazunori Takamine, Masatoshi Goto, Hisanori Tamaki, Taiki Futagami (Kagoshima University, Saga University) |
The 4th Bio-industry Prizes (The 16th Conference in 2016)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
Sanwa Shurui Co., ltd. | “Characterization of the deletion and overexpression mutants of acid protease gene in Aspergillus luchuensis.” | Sho Setoguchi, Osamu Mizutani, Toru Takahashi, Osamu Yamada, Taiki Futagami, Hisanori Tamaki, Kenichi Iwai, Yoshikazu Takase (Kagoshima University, National Research Institute of Brewing, Kirishima Shuzou Co.) |
Kumiai Chemical Industry Co, Ltd. | “A novel target of chloramphenicol in Pyricularia oryzae.” | Akihito Nozaka, Shogo Endo, Nobukiyo Tanaka, Megumi Narukawa, Shinji Kamisuki, Masahiro Nakajima, Hayao Taguchi, Fumio Sugawara, Takashi Kamakura (Azabu University) |
Kikkoman Corp. | “Development of genome editing technique with Cas9 in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Kouhei Shimamoto, Ryouta Saitou, Yusaku Wada, Ken Oda, Masaki Okuda, Kazuhiro Iwashita (National Research Institute of Brewing, University of Hiroshima, FASMAC. Co., Ltd.) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “Control of fungal adhesion by chemical modification of substrate surfaces.” | Marie Nishimura, Miki Nakano, Koji Miyake (NARO, AIST) |
Fujiwara Techno-Art Co., Ltd. | “Construction of heavy metal recovery systems using Hydrophobin HypA from Aspergillus oryzae.” | Riko Kurihara, Hiroki Nakano, Yasuhiro Kuchikata, Keisuke Domae, Asuka Kase, Harushi Nakajima (University of Meiji) |
The 3rd Bio-industry Prizes (The 15th Conference in 2015)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
Amano Enzyme, Inc. | “Overexpression of D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH) gene found from Aspergillus oryzae genome in Escherichia coli and its enzymatic characterization.” | Akira Watanabe, Yoko Satoh, Katsuya Gomi (Tohoku University) |
Kikkoman Corp. | “Comparative analysis of genome sequence and aspirochlorine productivity of Asperugillus oryzae strains.” | Ryota Saito, Tami Ohota, Miyuki Umeo, Ken Oda, Kazuhiro Iwashita (National Research Institute of Brewing) |
Kumiai Chemical Industry Co, Ltd. | “Characterization of hybrid strais of Epichloae (Epichloë/Neotyphodium spp.) endophyte produced via para-sexual reproduction.” | Hitomi Isobe, Akira Masunaka, Koya Sugawara, Takao Tsukiboshi, Aiko Tanaka, Daigo Takemoto (Nagoya University, NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO Tohoku Agricultural Research Center) |
Novozymes Japan, Ltd. | “Characterization of genes associated with citrate synthesis in Aspergillus kawachii.” | Chihiro Kadooka, Kosuke Izumitsu, Kayu Okutsu, Yumiko Yoshizaki, Kazunori Takamine, Masatoshi Goto, Hisanori Tamaki, Taiki Futagami (Kagoshima University, University of Shiga Prefecture, Kyushu University) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “High efficient secretion of free fatty acids from Aspergillus oryzae by supplementation of non-ionic surfactants to the culture medium.” | Koichi Tamano, Ai Miura, Hideaki Koike, Yasushi Kamisaka, Kazuyoshi Kimura, Myco Umemura, Masayuki Machida (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) |
Fujiwara Techno-Art Co., Ltd. | “Designed-expression of multi-copy genes in genetically engineered Aspergillus oryzae.” | Satoshi Wakai, Nanami Asai, Chiaki Ogino, Hiroko Tsutsumi, Yoji Hata, Akihiko Kondo (Kobe University, Gekkeikan Sake Co., Ltd.) |
The 2nd Bio-industry Prizes (The 14th Conference in 2014)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
Asahi Breweries, Ltd. | “Functional analysis of Aspergillus nidulans SunA involved in extracellular enzymes production.” | Azumi Funayama, Kyoko Kanamaru, Makoto Kimura, Tetsuo Kobayashi (Nagoya University) |
Amano Enzyme, Inc. | “Analysis of two secretory phospholipases A2 in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Ayumi Takayanagi, Takuya Miyakawa, Jun Ohtsuka, Masaru Tanokura, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Manabu Arioka (The University of Tokyo) |
Kikkoman Corp. | “Overexpression of heterologous genes in deletion strains of genes involved in carbon catabolite repression in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Sakurako Ichinose, Mizuki Tanaka, Takahiro Shintani, Katsuya Gomi (Tohoku University) |
Kumiai Chemical Industry Co, Ltd. | “Identification of two polyoxin resistant genes in Bipolaris maydis.” | Hiroshi Masumoto, Kosuke Izumitsu, Yuki Kitade, Chihiro Tanaka (Kyoto University, University of Shiga Prefecture) |
Gekkeikan Sake Co., Ltd. | “Analysis of extracellular endoproteases in Aspergillus oryzae pepO gene deletion strain.” | Ayako Ueno, Hiroshi Maeda, Youhei Yamagata, Michio Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “Expression analysis of AOX and UCP genes homologous to plant thermogenesis genes in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Hironobu Ogasawara, Takayuki Watanabe, Kikukatsu Ito, Katsuya Gomi (Akita Reseearch Institute of Food & Brewing, Iwate University, Tohoku University) |
The 1st Bio-industry Prizes (The 13th Conference in 2013)
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Awarded by | Winning Presentation | prize winner |
Asahi Breweries, Ltd. | “Transcriptome analysis of white koji mold in a barley koji-making process.” | Taiki Futagami, Kazuki Mori, Shotaro Wada, Yasuhiro Kajiwara, Hideharu Takashita, Toshiro Omori, Kosuke Tashiro, Satoru Kuhara, Masatoshi Goto (Kyushu University, Sanwa Shurui Co., Ltd.) |
Amano Enzyme, Inc. | “Substrate switching of antibiotics acylase by 3D modeling.” | Kazuki Nakayama, Masato Yamada, Hiromi Nishida, Yasuhiro Isogai (Toyama Prefecture University) |
Kikkoman Corp. | “Characterization of milk clotting enzymes in Aspergilli.” | Yoko Takyu, Ayako Okamoto, Hiroshi Maeda, Yohei Yamadata, Michio Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) |
Gekkeikan Sake Co., Ltd. | “Development and publication of comprehensive Aspergillus oryzae genome database (CAoGD).” | Ken Oda, Yasuo Uemura, Kazuhiro Iwashita (National Research Institute of Brewing, Hiroshima University, Genaris Inc.) |
Novozymes Japan, Ltd. | “Enzymatic properties of β-glucosidase isozymes from Trichoderma reesei.” | Boyang Guo, Kouichi Nozaki, Masahiro Mizuno, Yoshihiko Amano (Shinshu University) |
Bio’c Co., Ltd. | “Overexpression and characterization of a novel 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid (MOA) reductase in Aspergillus oryzae.” | Tatsuya Yamamoto, Emiri Koide, Tiaki Mori, Takeura Kengo, Miki Daikoku Motoyuki Shimizu, Masashi Kato (Meijo University) |